Being Afraid Can Sometimes Help

Some people are brave most of the time. Some people are afraid all the time. But being afraid isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it can actually save you from something . . . because you hesitated for a time. And that can be really good.
Being afraid comes in degrees such as being a:  little afraid, afraid, very afraid.
Being a Little Afraid can be an uncertainty, not being sure whether you should do “this” or “that”.
Being Afraid can be can be Life Altering, not knowing if you should begin going down this road, that road, or no road at all.
Being Very Afraid can actually be paralyzing,  not being able to move either literally or figuratively. But it’s a very uncomfortable feeling.
There are also degrees of outcomes for all of them. When you are a Little Afraid, you can put it aside for awhile. Think about a decision, or put it on the back burner for awhile. When you are Afraid, you might stop what you are doing or where you are going and return to “safety”, a time, place or conversation where you feel safe and protected. But, when you are Very Afraid, it is time to talk to someone, get help in discussing or making a decision. Reaching out during a time of being Very Afraid is a safe way to get through a difficult time. Don’t try to “go it alone”. Seek someone to help you if only by listening to what is upsetting you.
Reaching out to someone when you are Very Afraid can sometimes save your life. It certainly will save you from a sleepless night or a wasted time in your life. We all need help at times. There is always someone who will care to listen to you. Don’t be afraid to find them!